2014 SEO 的操作與搜索結果將會與以往完全不同!
SEO 2014 & Beyond: Search engine optimization will never be the same again!
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搜索引擎優化在2012年9月之前是一個極大的分水嶺, 在此之後搜索引擎的規劃是完全的不同,如果你的網站還是一樣按照以往優化的SEO方式,您的網站受到GOGOLE懲罰,
甚至從GOOGLE搜尋結果中移除。GOOGLE採用了更新的搜索引擎技術,2011~2012年 GOGOLE的策略將使用全新的規則,之前使用黑帽的SEO做法現在將不適用.
在2011年2月11日,GOOGLE在 SEO 世界裡投下一個震撼彈,當他們發布的熊貓(新的計算方式)更新。熊貓的目的是要消除從搜索引擎結果頁的低質量的內容。
2012年4月24日,GOOGLE更下殺手,當他們發布了企鵝(新的計算方式)更新。這影響到非常多在幫客戶網站操作 SEO 的公司,秉穎想到大部分公司的營運,
2013年5月22日,GOOGLE啟動企鵝 2.0,它遠遠比原來企鵝算法更深。這不只是一個數據刷新,而且是重大的更新,SEO的優化將變得更不容易被操作上去。
2013年8月,GOOGLE發布了一個新的算法,叫蜂鳥。這是GOGOLE 影響排序 的索引方式重大更新。我們可能從來沒有見過像這樣如此重大的更新,
而熊貓懲罰低質量的網站內容,企鵝關心的是緊迫盯人的搜索引擎優化策略,不管是白帽或是黑帽都將更考驗所有SEO的業者, 實際上現在稍有不慎你的網站被懲罰
If the SEO book/course you are putting your faith into was written before September 2012, then you could be following advice that will get your site penalized, or even removed from Google. Google made massive changes in 2011, but even more significant changes in 2012. Strategies taught as best principles in early 2012 are now considered "black hat" or just plain risky in 2013. SEO 2013 & Beyond will tell you what you can do and what you cannot.
Let's look at what happened.
On February 11th, 2011, Google dropped a bombshell on the SEO community when they released the Panda update. Panda was designed to remove low quality content from the search engine results pages. The surprise to many were some of the big name casualties that were taken out by the update.
On 24th April 2012, Google went in for the kill when they released the Penguin update. Few SEOs that had been in the business for any length of time could believe the carnage that this update caused. If Google's Panda was a 1 on the Richter scale of updates, Penguin was surely a 10. It completely changed the way we need to think about SEO.
On September 28th 2012, Google released a new algorithm update targeting exact match domains (EMDs). I have updated this book to let you know the consequences of owning EMDs and added my own advice on choosing domain names. While I have never been a huge fan of exact match domains anyway, many other SEO books and courses teach you to use them. I'll tell you why I think those other courses and books are wrong.
The EMD update was sandwiched in between another Panda update (on the 27th September) and another Penguin update (5th October).
On 22nd May 2013, Google unleashed Penguin 2.0 which went far deeper than the original Penguin algorithm. This was not just a data refresh, but a major update to Penguin itself, and it’s only going to get tougher.
In August 2013, Google released a new Algorithm, called Hummingbird. This was a major change in the way Google sorts through the indexed pages. We probably haven't seen such a major update like this in over a decade, though chances are it has less affect on your traffic than Panda or Penguin.
Whereas Panda seems to penalize low quality content, Penguin is more concerned about overly aggressive SEO tactics. Stuff that SEOs had been doing for years, not only didn't work any more, but now can actually cause your site to be penalized and drop out of the rankings. That’s right, just about everything you have been taught about Search Engine Optimization in the last 10 years can be thrown out the Window. Google have moved the goal posts.
I have been working in SEO for around 10 years and have always tried to stay within the guidelines laid down by Google. This has not always been easy because to compete with other sites, it often meant using techniques that Google frowned upon. Now, if you use those techniques, Google is likely to catch up with you and demote your rankings.
In this book, I want to share with you the new SEO. The SEO for 2014 & Beyond.
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