SEO 教學-Optimize for users or search engine bots?

今天搜尋 MATT CUTS 時.看到一篇新聞稿.主題是關於如何針對搜尋引擎蜘蛛人做優化.內容雖然不是讓SEO WORKER 會跌破眼鏡.但 目前 不管是 BING SEO 或是 GOOGLE SEO 都是處於混亂的時代.現在這份新聞報告.也正好可以讓 SEO 回到正軌.讓我們先參考原文, 底下有相關翻譯,再僅供參考.

Matt Cutts explains about SEO for your website – Optimize for users or search engine bots?

End User Vs Search Engine Bots

This is a question I had in mind for very long. In fact, after all these Google Panda updates (including the recent Panda 3.4 minor update); the question gets higher importance. I believed in the fact that “forget the search engine bots and optimize your website just by keeping a user point of view”.  According to me, a user optimized website would automatically comply with the search engine ranking factors as well. This was my thinking till yesterday, when I stumbled on of the best video answering sessions of Matt Cutts. I was really anticipating that Matt would be saying, focus on optimizing the site for user friendliness and the rest would follow. Well, I was wrong.

Matt was answering to a question “Which is more important: search engine optimization (SEO) or end user optimization?” Watch the video to find the answer.

The logic is simple. You need search engine optimization to get your website noticed and get visitors. End user  optimization on the other hand is important to convert the incoming traffic into sales or make them stay on your website without bouncing. As Matt says, keep search engine optimization and end user optimization as aligned as possible. This is one point that we have been highlighting to the SEO world. Before planning SEO strategies or putting together SEO packages to promote your website, you need to make sure that your website is well optimized for end user experience. If not you would be wasting all the traffic driven through the SEO campaign.

SEO 教學

MATT CUTS 解釋您的網站,如何為搜尋引擎做好優化 - 為您的用戶與搜索引擎機器人的優化?

這是一個對於 SEO 常見的問題,我在頭腦裡思考非常長的時間。事實上,在所有這些Google熊貓算法更新(包括最近的GOOGLE 熊貓3.4的次要更新的問題得到更高的重要性。我相信,在忘記了搜索引擎機器人和優化您的網站保持用戶的角度來看。據對我來說,一個用戶優化網站將自動遵守以及搜索引擎排名的因素。這是我的想法,直到昨天,MATT CUTS 會說,專注於優化用戶友好的網站,其餘的將按照使用者搜尋的模式吧.

MATT CUTS 回答一個問題哪個更重要的是搜索引擎優化(SEO)最終用戶優化觀看 VIDEO 找到了答案道理很簡單需要搜索引擎優化讓您的網站備使用者注意到轉換成銷售傳入流量讓他們在您的網站離開.加強使用者停留時間MATT CUTS 保持搜索引擎優化和最終用戶優化盡可能同時執行是一個,我們一直強調的SEO世界規劃SEO策略SEO的執行放在一起,再更新您的網站之前,您需要確保您的網站優化最終用戶體驗如果沒有你會浪費妳在SEO 上推廣的時間.


  1. 收到google的非自然链接通知书,怎么处理?我之前针对google优化,那针对bing,我得做什么调整呢?希望得到大侠的指点,我的messenger

  2. 我建議針對 BING 要張貼外連(BACKLINK)之前 要先確認,你所張貼的外連的DOMAIN是否 BING 已經有收錄此DOMAIN. 如果有收錄是最好的.代表你張貼之後七天之內此 BACKLINK 就會影響到你的排名. 反之因為 BING的爬蟲慢.你張貼在 BING沒收錄的外連裡..就是白工拉...供參考





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