SEO 教學-Bing Optimization-MSNBot crawling or is only partially crawling my site


Why isn’t MSNBot crawling or is only partially crawling my site?

Depth of crawl is based on a lot of factors, including how your site ranks and the architecture of your site.  However, here are some steps you can take to help us crawl your site more effectively:

    Verify that you are not blocked and there are no site crawling errors in Webmaster Center tools
    Make sure you are not blocking access to the Bing web crawler, MSNBot, in your Robots.txt file
    Make sure you are not blocking MSNBot’s IP range
    Ensure you have no site navigation issues that might prevent MSNBot from crawling your site:
        Invalid page coding (HTML, XHTML, etc.)

Note: You can validate your page source code at

        Site navigation links that are only accessible by JavaScript
        Password protected pages

    Submit a sitemap in the Sitemaps tool of Webmaster Center tools and provide the path to the sitemap.xml file(s) in a Robots.txt file 

MSNBot is crawling my site, so why is it not indexing my pages?

Make sure your content is viewable by MSNBot.

    Ensure there are text navigation links if main navigation is pictorial-based
    Ensure there is plenty of indexable content outside of <script> </script>tags
    Make sure each page has unique <title> and <meta> description tags
    If possible, avoid frames and meta tag refresh
    If your site uses session IDs or cookies, make sure they are not needed for crawling
    Use friendly URLs  whenever possible
    Review our Webmaster Center blog post, I'm not ranking in Bing, what can I do?

There are many design and technical issues that can prevent MSNBot from indexing your site. If you've followed our guidelines and still don't see your site in Bing, you may want to contact a search engine optimization company. These companies typically provide tools that will help you improve your site so that we can index it. To find site optimization companies on the Web, try searching on search engine optimization company.

How do I increase the Bing crawl rate for my site?

Currently, there is no way to manually increase the re-crawl rate for MSNBot. However, submitting an updated sitemap in our Webmaster Center tools may help. First, make sure you are not blocking MSNBot in your Robots.txt file or MSNBot’s IP range. Next, set the sitemap <changefreq> dates to “daily”. This could help initiate a recrawl. You can always change these back to more appropriate dates once the recrawl has taken place.


As with general sitemap guidelines, submitting a new or updated sitemap is not a guarantee that Bing will use the sitemap or more fully index your site. This is only a suggested solution to the issue of increasing the crawl rate.

How do I decrease MSNBot’s crawl rate?

As stated in our blog post: Robots Exclusion Protocol: Joining Together to Provide Better Documentation,  you can set, “Crawl-Delay: X” where x is the number of seconds to wait between each request. Note that setting the crawl delay reduces the crawler load on your servers, but it also increases the amount of time it will take MSNBot to reindex your website (which is proportional to the length of the delay). As a result, this change might make it more difficult for your customers to find your site on Bing.

Another way to help reduce load on your servers is by implementing HTTP compression and Conditional Get. Read more about this on our blog post Announcing Crawler Improvements for Bing.

Why are my indexed pages decreasing?

This is possibly due to a combination of factors.

    Ensure you have unique content on each page
    Submit a sitemap with <changefeq> dates set to “daily

    Ensure the page is crawlable

How do I submit more than one sitemap to Webmaster Center tools?

Currently, the Sitemap tool only uses the last sitemap URL submitted. We strongly recommend using a sitemap index file if you have more than one sitemap.

How come my site isn’t ranking well for my keywords?

In order to rank well for certain words, it is imperative that the words on your pages match the keyword phrases people are searching for (although that is not the only consideration used for ranking). However, don’t rely on using the Keyword meta tag as very few search engines use it for gauging relevancy due to keyword stuffing and other abuse in the past. 

·     Some additional tips on improving ranking:

·     Target no more than two keywords per page

·     Use unique <title> tags on each page

·     Use unique <meta> description tags on each page

·     Use H1 tags

·     Use text navigation links

·     Create content for your human visitors, not the Bing web crawler

·     Incorporate keywords into URL strings

How important are backlinks and will any backlink work?

Backlinks are crucial to your site’s success in ranking. However, it is important to remember that we prefer quality over quantity. Backlinks should be relevant to the page being linked to or relevant to your domain if being linked to the homepage. Use the Backlinks tool in Webmaster Center tools to review the backlinks to your site.

Some Ideas for generating high-quality inbound links include:

·     Start a blog. Write content that will give people a reason to link to your website.

·     Join a reputable industry association. Oftentimes they will list their members and provide links to their websites. Examples could be a local Rotary Club or a professional association like the American Medical Association.

·     Get involved with your community Participating with your community through blogs, forums and other online resources may give you legitimate reasons to provide links to your site.

·     Talk to a reporter Is there a potential story around your website? Or do you have helpful tips about your business that people might be interested in? Pitch your story to a reporter, and they might link to your site in an online story.

·     Press releases If your company has scheduled a significant public event, consider creating a press release through a site like

·     Suppliers and partners Ask your business partners if they would add a section to their websites describing your partnership, with a link to your website. Or, if your suppliers have a website, perhaps they have a page where they recommend local distributers of their products.

·     Evangelize your site in the real world Promote your website with business cards, magnets, USB keys, and other fun collectables.

Do backlinks from low-quality sites adversely affect Bing ranking?

While they won’t hurt your site, they won’t help much, either. We believe in quality over quantity. Please review the question above to get some ideas for generating high-quality backlinks.

My site was ranked #X for term Y, now I'm not. What happened?

Bing website ranking is completely automated. The Bing ranking algorithm analyzes factors such as web page content, the number and quality of websites that link to your pages, and the relevance of your website’s content to keywords. Site ranks change as we review the factors that make up the ranking. Although you can't directly change your website’s ranking, you can optimize its design and technical implementation to enable appropriate ranking by most search engines. For information about improving your website's ranking, we suggest you check out the Webmaster Center tools. We highly recommend that you use Webmaster Center’s Crawl Issues tool to determine if your site is being penalized for issues such as malware. Also review our post on what to do if you are not ranking.




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