SEO 教學- SEO Topic of the Title
常看到搜尋結果中 粗體的地方不同顏色但是與關鍵字是精準比對.如圖
一 增加網站內容的質量
二 去高質量的論壇,BLOG發外部連結.
去權重高(PR值可以參考)的論壇,BLOG 通過發鏈接誘餌,吸引搜尋引擎 ROBOT 來訪問我們的網站,因為這些地方的 ROBOT 訪問量很大,通過這樣的方式把 ROBOT 帶到我們的網站,增加 ROBOT 訪問你網站的頻率,這樣才會在最短的時間內讓搜索引擎更新你的網站。
三 BOOKMARK (書籤)平台
很多鏈接平台類收錄很大的,可以把我們的網站提交到這些平台,因為書籤平台因為有著大量的站長在上面更新,所以更新速度非常的快,有利於吸引 ROBOT 上來並擷取資訊。
四 友情鏈接
如果我們有資源的話,可以找一些網站快照新的站點做友情鏈接,讓這些站點帶帶,網站快照新代表 ROBOT是很喜歡的,說明 ROBOT訪問的次數也是挺多的,這樣也可以把 ROBOT引導到我們的更悉的網站。
另外提供 中文SEO 的 英文版本.
We do SEO optimization has been emphasized Do not change the title of our site, I have recently had a friend who is a station on the line to listen to people say that the title of the site did not write more than a month after the result, he changed the entire title The result led to the search engine spider a few weeks do not have to visit his station, so that site weight is not enough, and easily change the title can easily lead to the site down the right. And our real life, we had a person very familiar with his facial plastic surgery, then we are in a short period of time I know you? Certainly not, we must spend some time to re-recognize the title of our site is the same, when we change the title, the search engine will need to spend some time to re-examine our website, it is proposed that we want in the establishment of the station pre- good web site title, the latter do not modify. But now my friend has modified the title of the article, how to restore the site weights? SEO teaching today to talk to you about how to restore the site after the website title change weights:
1. Increase in the quality of site content
Period of time to modify the site title, as much as possible a day to update a few high-quality articles, because the search engine is most like the article, so in order to increase the number of search engine to our website, so that our website as soon as possible through the review period.
2. Go to the forum of high-quality the BLOG hair external links.
To the weight (PR value for reference) forum, BLOG by sending the link bait, to visit our site to attract search engine ROBOT, ROBOT visits these places, in such a way ROBOT brought to our website. increase ROBOT visit your site as often as this will allow search engines to update your site within the shortest possible time.
3. The BOOKMARK (Bookmarks) platform
A lot of link-platform class included, can we submit your site to these platforms, bookmark platform because there are a lot of owners in the above update, the update speed is very fast, it will help attract ROBOT up and retrieve information.
4. link
If we have the resources to do so, you can find some websites snapshot new site to do link these sites with a band, website snapshot of the new representative ROBOT is very like, ROBOT number of visits is also Tingduo so ROBOT can be directed to the more learned of our website
常看到搜尋結果中 粗體的地方不同顏色但是與關鍵字是精準比對.如圖
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SEO 教學 |
一 增加網站內容的質量
二 去高質量的論壇,BLOG發外部連結.
去權重高(PR值可以參考)的論壇,BLOG 通過發鏈接誘餌,吸引搜尋引擎 ROBOT 來訪問我們的網站,因為這些地方的 ROBOT 訪問量很大,通過這樣的方式把 ROBOT 帶到我們的網站,增加 ROBOT 訪問你網站的頻率,這樣才會在最短的時間內讓搜索引擎更新你的網站。
三 BOOKMARK (書籤)平台
很多鏈接平台類收錄很大的,可以把我們的網站提交到這些平台,因為書籤平台因為有著大量的站長在上面更新,所以更新速度非常的快,有利於吸引 ROBOT 上來並擷取資訊。
四 友情鏈接
如果我們有資源的話,可以找一些網站快照新的站點做友情鏈接,讓這些站點帶帶,網站快照新代表 ROBOT是很喜歡的,說明 ROBOT訪問的次數也是挺多的,這樣也可以把 ROBOT引導到我們的更悉的網站。
另外提供 中文SEO 的 英文版本.
We do SEO optimization has been emphasized Do not change the title of our site, I have recently had a friend who is a station on the line to listen to people say that the title of the site did not write more than a month after the result, he changed the entire title The result led to the search engine spider a few weeks do not have to visit his station, so that site weight is not enough, and easily change the title can easily lead to the site down the right. And our real life, we had a person very familiar with his facial plastic surgery, then we are in a short period of time I know you? Certainly not, we must spend some time to re-recognize the title of our site is the same, when we change the title, the search engine will need to spend some time to re-examine our website, it is proposed that we want in the establishment of the station pre- good web site title, the latter do not modify. But now my friend has modified the title of the article, how to restore the site weights? SEO teaching today to talk to you about how to restore the site after the website title change weights:
1. Increase in the quality of site content
Period of time to modify the site title, as much as possible a day to update a few high-quality articles, because the search engine is most like the article, so in order to increase the number of search engine to our website, so that our website as soon as possible through the review period.
2. Go to the forum of high-quality the BLOG hair external links.
To the weight (PR value for reference) forum, BLOG by sending the link bait, to visit our site to attract search engine ROBOT, ROBOT visits these places, in such a way ROBOT brought to our website. increase ROBOT visit your site as often as this will allow search engines to update your site within the shortest possible time.
3. The BOOKMARK (Bookmarks) platform
A lot of link-platform class included, can we submit your site to these platforms, bookmark platform because there are a lot of owners in the above update, the update speed is very fast, it will help attract ROBOT up and retrieve information.
4. link
If we have the resources to do so, you can find some websites snapshot new site to do link these sites with a band, website snapshot of the new representative ROBOT is very like, ROBOT number of visits is also Tingduo so ROBOT can be directed to the more learned of our website